Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP)

What Is It?

The Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) provides rental vouchers to disabled applicants who are not elderly and who have otherwise been deemed eligible for State-Aided Public Housing.

AHVP is administered locally by participating local administering agencies, either a local housing authority or a regional administering agency.

DHCD's Bureau of Rental Assistance has responsibility for regulatory and administrative oversight of this program.

How It Works

A program participant will pay rent in an amount equal to either 25% or 30% of the household’s monthly net income to the landlord.

The percentage charged depends on whether utilities are included or not included in the rent.

The local administering agency will provide rental assistance payments to the landlord on behalf of the program participant for the remainder of the monthly rental amount.

What Are The Benefits Of Being An AHVP Landlord?

Reliable Monthly Payments
With the Alternative Housing Voucher Program, you can be virtually assured you will receive the Housing Authority’s portion of the rent on time (subject to congressional appropriations). And, since AHVP participants can lose their housing voucher if they don’t adhere to the terms of their lease, they may be more inclined to pay their portion on time as well.

Pre-screened Applicants
While you’ll still want to exercise your right to screen tenants, the Melrose Housing Authority screens applicants prior to qualifying them for vouchers. We review an applicant’s eligibility for the program, their income, housing history, and may uncover issues like criminal history.

You’ll Benefit From Our Relationships!

Be sure to contact us to post your property listings or to inquire further about the Alternative Housing Voucher Program!